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Buy to Lease - Get me car finance
Earn from 8% to 12% per annum paid quarterly.
You remain the beneficial owner of the vehicle at all times.
Minimum entry level £10,000.
3 Year Term.
The leasing company is regulated by the FCA.
Guaranteed full purchase price buyback at the end of term.
Invest with Confidence
The company has a 10 year track record in leasing cars to the public.
The company is fully licensed and FCA regulated. The company have a ready-made
market and substantial waiting list of customers seeking to lease cars.
About the company
The company recognised the huge potential and profitability of the customer who wants to seek alternative finance when purchasing a car.
The company finds a suitable finance package for the customer, securing the car they want and supplying it directly to their door. On many occasions customers will find their own vehicles and the company receives a commission for the completed deal from the relevant finance broker or lender.
If the finance broker/lender cannot help, the company offer finance to the customer directly from its own line of funding. As well as supplying the vehicle, the company generates income from both the car sale profit and the interest. This aspect of the business can grow exponentially.
The company currently generates leads online through its well established website that typically generates 2000 leads a month organically.